What is the Greater Toronto Area?

Mar 4, 2021 | Case Study

Saved Client $2000 on their Delivery

It was literally “Planes, Trains & Automobiles”. We had a request from our client Schawk Toronto to get a delivery down to Martha Stewart on 20th St, New York, NY, USA before 5:00 pm. It was a delivery related to her line in Zellers, which was a big client of theirs and if you know anything about Martha Stewart it had to be done.

Courier Services From Toronto to New York City

As it was late morning we had to act quickly with not a lot of options so I decided that I would take this delivery myself. I drove from Toronto to Buffalo where I caught the next flight into New York City.

By the time I arrived in New York and got through US customs, it was already rush hour. Sitting in a cab stuck in traffic it was clear that I would not be making my deadline unless something changed. Discussing my circumstances with the cab driver he suggested that the only alternative was to take the subway.

With no other options I had to trust the driver and after tipping him heavily, I got out and boarded the subway according to his instructions. The only problem was that from where we were the closest I could get to 20th St was 9 blocks. So after a couple of transfers I was finally downtown on Manhattan Island.

It was already past 4:45 so I now had to run 9 blocks with my lap top swinging from side to side around my neck and package in hand. After zig zagging through the crowd and hurdling a few homeless I finally made it to my destination. Sweating buckets I handed the package over to the receptionist a few minutes after 5:00 but Martha was still in the building and needless to say our client was very happy.

Colin V. Woon Sam – President H&B Disher Courier

Our Very Best Effort (Kind Of A Disclaimer)

We cannot guarantee that all your deliveries will be this exciting but you will get our very best effort. Contact us today and tell us about your pickup or delivery.

Other case studies:
Creative Courier Delivery Rush Services to Toronto Pearson International Airport
We Saved Our Client Almost $2,000 For The Same Delivery (Brampton, Mississauga, Montreal, Vancouver)